PSHE and RSE are the teaching of skills and knowledge to help our children develop into safe, healthy, accepting, caring, tolerant and generous citizens, who are able to treat themselves, others and the world in which we live with care, love and respect. It also teaches them how to make a positive contribution as citizens of both their local community and of the whole world.

Emotional and physical well-being and positive relationships with others are at the core of what we teach. Our PSHE and RSE curriculum has been developed in line with our school and curriculum vision, as well as our Christian values of Love, Friendship, Generosity, Perseverance and Courage.

We teach PSHE (Personal, Social, Health Education) and RSE (Relationships and Sex Education) using a teaching and learning resource called Kapow Primary. Within this scheme of work, learning is broken into five main areas:

  • Family and Relationships
  • Health and Well-being
  • Safety and the Changing Body
  • Citizenship
  • Economic Well-being

You can click on the links below to see our long term maps of coverage and to see the skills and knowledge progression in each of the five areas.

PSHE / RSE Skills and Knowledge Progression

KS1 and KS2 Long Term Curriculum Map

Our RSE policy is available on the link below and explains how we teach Relationships and Sex Education in our school. Our RSE policy is reviewed annually to ensure that it is relevant and up-to-date and we invite you to read it and let us know if you have any concerns or questions which you would like us to answer. If any parents / carers would like to discuss the draft reviewed policy or have points they would like to raise, then please either contact Mrs Page on or phone school on 016973 20632 and we will be happy to discuss any questions you may have.

RSE Policy